Common Child and Parenting Issues in NY

Common Child and Parenting Issues in NY

Matters of the family are incredibly complicated and emotional, especially in times of divorce. When there are children involved, emotions are often much higher and the parents may find themselves battling over them in court. If a divorce is threatening to change a family’s dynamic, the parents often have to assess a wide variety of challenges and come to a conclusion. If they cannot make decisions on these emotional matters for themselves, the court may have to do this on their behalf.

Some of the most highly contested child and parenting issues that arise in the New York Stae family court system include those of child custody or parenting time, visitation matters, child support, determining paternity and the rights of a father, parental alienation, matters of domestic violence, and even the need to modify an existing court order to better reflect the current circumstances of the family.

When a parent’s relationship with their child is put at stake due to contested issues, it is essential to contact an attorney. Individuals who are faced with such important matters should be sure to retain the services of an experienced divorce and family law attorney that can fight on their behalf for the future of their family.

The Pollack Law Firm, P.C. understands that divorce and family law matters can be very complicated and emotional. They require strong legal representation from a compassionate attorney. Robert Pollack is an experienced divorce and family law attorney in Long Island, New York. Contact The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., to set up a free initial consultation.

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