What Happens if My Former Spouse and I do Not Agree on Sending Our Child Back to School?
The coronavirus has ushered a new era of life for us all. Between physical illness, financial distress, and more, we are all presented with an unprecedented set of challenges. Unfortunately, one group of individuals who have had an extremely complicated last few months are divorced co-parents. Between balancing parenting time, raising children while working from home, and more, they have had a very rough go. However, now, as the coronavirus at least seemingly begins to dwindle down here in New York State, divorced co-parents are now faced with a new, pressing question: should we allow our children to return to school?
For many parents, the opening of schools is welcome news, and they are more than happy to return their children to a semi-normal way of life, allowing them to socialize with their peers and receive a better educational experience. That being said, other parents are still very worried about whether reopening the schools opens their children and their families up to a far higher risk of contracting the virus. Both sides of the argument have valid points, and it is certainly a very complicated issue. Additionally, it should not get lost in the mix that both sides of the argument both want the best for their children as well.
However, if you are a divorced co-parent who shares legal custody of your child, and both you and your former spouse cannot agree on whether you should send your child back to school, you may find yourself in a very complicated situation. If you cannot reach some sort of a compromise that you, your former spouse, and your child all agree upon on your own, then you may wish to consider mediation.
What is mediation?
Essentially, divorce and family law mediators exist to help former spouses make certain key decisions that they cannot make on their own. If the level of animosity is too high, of course, a mediator will most likely not be the best option. However, if you and your former spouse are still capable of compromising and having a civil, respectful conversation, a mediator may be your best option. A mediator is an unbiased third party, who is oftentimes an attorney, and who both you and your former spouse will select together. From here, in your mediation session, your mediator will hear both you and your former spouse’s point of view and work to facilitate some sort of compromise, or middle ground, that works for everyone. Oftentimes, former spouses reach productive outcomes for various family law matters this way, and they can walk away feeling as though their voices have been heard. If you think this may work for you, contact our experineced Nassau County family law attorney today.
Contact our experienced Nassau County firm
The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., rated Nassau County’s “BEST” divorce lawyers and proudly serving clients in Nassau and Suffolk County for more than 22 years, is always available to assist and represent parties in divorce, separation and all other matrimonial and family law matters. Contact us online or call today to schedule your complimentary case analysis: (516) 938-3330.