How do I know if I’ll get alimony?

How do I know if I’ll get alimony?

One of the most frequently asked questions that new clients have when they are thinking about getting divorced from their spouse is whether they will be able to collect alimony, also referred to as maintenance or spousal support payments. Alimony payments serve to allow a person to remain in a similar financial situation as they were prior to their divorce. The goal is for the “more-monied” spouse to provide the spouse with less income with support payments until they are able to financially support themselves.

It is important to be aware that not everyone is automatically granted alimony. Of course, you can always request this type of relief in your initial divorce complaint, just as you would child custody or child support. However, the court will likely only grant you spousal support payments if there is a significant difference between your spouse’s income and your own income. Perhaps you left your career to stay at home and raise your children while your spouse provided for the family financially. Now, you will have a more difficult time re-entering the workforce because you are years of experience behind where you would be had ou not stayed home. The court may grant spousal support payments that can assist you in going back to school and advancing your degrees so you can get your career back on track, or to assist you while you get back on your feet.

However, if both spouses worked full-time jobs and are able to financially support themselves without the other person, alimony is not necessary. If you have questions about the potential for alimony in your divorce, contact an experienced divorce attorney today.

Robert Pollack is an experienced divorce and family law attorney in Long Island, New York. Contact The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., so we can set up a free initial consultation and assess the circumstances surrounding your case.  

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