How to Keep Your Divorce Moving While Staying Safe Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

If you are someone who either begun your divorce before the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a good chance it was temporarily put on hold due to the outbreak. Below, our experienced Nassau County firm has compiled a short list regarding how to get the ball rolling once again, even amid all that’s happening in the world today. Please continue reading and reach out to our firm to learn more about what you can do, and how we can help you do it.
State What’s Yours
If you are now forced to stay in the same house with your spouse and you wish to avoid fighting and remain comfortable, try and work out an agreement where each of you can claim your own space. For example, perhaps you take upstairs, and your spouse takes the downstairs. This may help you and your spouse live under the same roof while avoiding as much conflict as possible.
Keep Your Child’s Interests at Heart
If you and your spouse have a child, you are most likely spending more time with that child than ever, now that school is out for the year. That is why it is so crucial you provide your child with the structure and support he or she needs. During this time, you may take on new responsibilities associated with co-parenting by creating a temporary parenting time agreement that dictates how much time per week each parent may spend with your child.
Reach Out to Your Attorney
Though it may be difficult to have a conversation with your attorney when your spouse is under the same roof, it is critical you stay in touch to learn of any updates in your case. You may do so via email, phone calls, or video conferences, depending on what works best for you. If you wish to speak with your attorney but feel uncomfortable doing so with your spouse nearby, you can always take a drive and park somewhere to have a phone conversation.
Consider Mediation
Our Nassau County family law attorney can mediate your divorce, which can help it move along as quickly as possible, and outside of the courtroom setting. Together, we can work to resolve marital issues and have candid conversations about what you and your spouse want, and hopefully thereby reach an agreement that both you and your spouse can be happy with.
Contact our experienced Nassau County firm
The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., rated Nassau County’s “BEST” divorce lawyers and proudly serving clients in Nassau and Suffolk County for more than 22 years, is always available to assist and represent parties in divorce, separation and all other matrimonial and family law matters. Contact us online or call today to schedule your complimentary case analysis: (516) 938-3330.