What You Need to Know About Legal Separation in Nassau County

What You Need to Know About Legal Separation in Nassau County

Oftentimes, when married couples no longer wish to be married, they will get a divorce. However, there are other circumstances wherein people do not wish to continue living with their spouse, yet they do not want to get a divorce, either for financial, religious, or other reasons. Legal separation is a route that many of those individuals take. Furthermore, a legal separation does not terminate a marriage, leaving room for spouses to make up at some point down the road. If a legal separation sounds like it may be the best option for you, please continue reading and reach out to our experienced Nassau County divorce and family law attorney today. Here are some of the questions you may have:

What is a separation agreement?

Separation agreements are the most popular way to legally separate. These are not granted by a court, and there is no application form needed. Instead, simply put, a separation agreement is a written contract between you and your spouse that outlines various factors of your legal separation, including:

Though these are not issued by a court, it is generally best that you retain legal assistance when drafting the document. If your agreement involves certain complicating factors, such as debts, pensions, real estate, and tax concerns, it is in your best interest to hire an attorney who has helped countless couples draft such agreements before to ensure everything is distributed and handled fairly. These agreements will become legally binding when you sign the document in front of a notary public.

Can a separation agreement become a divorce?

If you have tried separation and find that, for whatever reason, it is not working for you or your spouse, you may file for divorce one year after you and your spouse have signed and notarized your separation agreement. This is known as a conversion divorce. You will file the agreement with the county clerk. Judges in Nassau County can include some or all of the terms you reached in your agreement into the final divorce judgment.

For any additional questions concerning legal separation, please do not hesitate to give our knowledgeable Nassau County family law attorney a call. Our firm is here to help you through every step of the process ahead.

Contact our experienced Nassau County firm

The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., rated Nassau County’s “BEST” divorce lawyers and proudly serving clients in Nassau and Suffolk County for more than 22 years, is always available to assist and represent parties in divorce, separation and all other matrimonial and family law matters. Contact us online or call today to schedule your complimentary case analysis: (516) 938-3330.

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