What documents should I take to an initial consultation with a divorce lawyer?

What documents should I take to an initial consultation with a divorce lawyer?


Suppose a divorce is imminent and you have exhausted all hope of reconciliation. In that case, you may be preparing yourself for the next step which is contacting a divorce attorney to begin the divorce process. Understandably, this is a difficult task as it makes the harsh reality that your marriage has ended feel all the more final. Although your emotions are likely running high, it is critical to take the right steps to prepare yourself for the impending divorce process. One of the first steps in dissolving your marriage is scheduling a consultation with your divorce attorney. Keep reading to learn what documents you should bring to an initial consultation. In addition, discover how an adept Nassau County Divorce Attorney can help you navigate this complex legal process.

What paperwork should I bring to an initial consultation with a divorce attorney?

Divorce consultations are essentially information-gathering sessions where your attorney learns about your case and you can ask any pressing questions about it. It is often encouraged to bring specific documents to this initial meeting so that your attorney can understand the necessary background information regarding your case.

Firstly, to establish that you were legally married to your spouse, you should bring a copy of your original marriage license and certificate. This way your attorney can ensure the court can grant you a divorce and establish the duration of the marriage. This is critical as some spouses may be eligible to receive certain benefits from their former spouse if the length of marriage meets specific eligibility requirements. For instance, if you were married for more than 10 years, you may be eligible to claim your former spouse’s Social Security benefits. Alongside this legal document, if you have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement you should bring these legal contracts. This is because they outline who gets what in a divorce.

During a divorce, the division of assets is one of the most contentious issues couples face. Therefore, it is beneficial to bring any documents for marital property and personal property. Your attorney must understand exactly what you have and owe. Assets and debts acquired during the marriage will be split fairly between each spouse as New York is an equitable distribution state. Your attorney must know what separate property you have to ensure that these assets are not subject to equitable distribution in your divorce. Therefore, knowing what marital property and separate property you have will ensure your attorney can help you reach a favorable division of assets.

During an initial consultation with your divorce attorney, you should bring all relevant paperwork that can help your attorney obtain the necessary background information to protect your hard-earned assets. If you are dissolving your marriage, contact a determined attorney at The Pollack Law Firm, P.C. With years of experience, our firm can help you reach a fair divorce settlement.


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