Tips for a Successful Divorce Mediation in New York

Tips for a Successful Divorce Mediation in New York

If you and your spouse have decided to go through divorce mediation, you likely have done so because you would like to work together to negotiate the terms of your divorce. To learn more about how your mediation can run smoothly and successfully, continue reading and reach out to our skilled New York divorce attorneys today.

How can I have a successful divorce mediation?

Many couples choose to go through a divorce mediation because it fosters healthy communication. To learn more about how you can have a successful mediation, be sure to keep the following in mind:

  1. Choose the right mediator: It is important to note that when going through mediation, you will have a neutral third party included in assisting you and your former spouse through your discussion. You will want to make sure that you and your partner select the right person to avoid problems down the line.
  2. Do your research: Ensure that you are aware of how the mediation process works before you go into it. It may be best to research things like your rights and responsibilities, child support issues, and what financial documents will be needed and why.
  3. Manage your emotions: It is understandable when couples begin to feel the emotional damage of the divorce process, however, when it comes to disagreements on delicate topics, you will want to remain calm. Moreover, it is absolutely acceptable to take a break during the mediation to ensure that emotions do not run high.
  4. Keep an open mind: The purpose of mediation is to reach a compromise and seek out creative solutions. This means things may not go 100% your way. It is imperative to be prepared for this and you will want to work through this with your partner and the mediator. As a result, it is important that you keep an open mind because you may reach an agreement that you would not have thought of if you hadn’t considered all other options.
  5. Be honest: A successful mediation only happens when both spouses are honest with themselves, each other, and their mediator. In the event that something does not feel right, or you would like to go over an issue again, do not hesitate to speak up.

If you would like to learn more about the steps you can take to ensure your divorce mediation is successful, reach out to The Pollack Law Firm, P.C. today. Our dedicated legal team can help you navigate this process with confidence.

Contact our experienced Nassau County firm

The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., rated Nassau County’s “BEST” divorce lawyers and proudly serving clients in Nassau and Suffolk County for more than 25 years, is always available to assist and represent parties in divorce, separation, and all other matrimonial and family law matters. Contact us online or call today to schedule your complimentary case analysis: (516) 938-3330.

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