Is mediation an effective way to handle a child custody dispute?

Is mediation an effective way to handle a child custody dispute?

child custody

Understandably, divorce can involve many disagreements as much is at stake, but child custody is often the most challenging for families to resolve. These issues can be emotionally overwhelming and difficult to agree on, as valuable parenting time is on the line. As such, many parents wonder whether mediation is an effective way to handle their child custody disputes. Please continue reading and contact a seasoned Nassau County Divorce Mediation Attorney to learn how we can help you reach a mutual agreement on a child custody arrangement that prioritizes your child’s best interests. 

What is child custody mediation?

As you may already know, mediation is often used as an alternative dispute resolution. Divorcing couples can turn to resolve their disputed issues to come to a mutual agreement on the terms that will apply to the termination of their marriage, including custody, support payments, and property division. Divorce is never easy. However, it becomes more challenging when children are involved. As such, many disagreeing couples want to work toward solutions for their families outside of the courtroom to reduce hostility and safeguard their children’s emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

Child custody mediation is a helpful tool that many families use as it is designed to help divorcing or unmarried parents reach an agreement on legal and physical custody of their children while avoiding litigation. During mediation, parents will meet with an impartial third-party mediator for sessions where they assist couples in resolving their disputed issues. Unlike a judge, a mediator makes no decisions for a couple. Instead, they lend their knowledge to help facilitate a compromise that both spouses can agree on to reach a mutual agreement on a custody arrangement.

Moreover, it’s important to note that child custody is not a one-size-fits-all arrangement. Some parents may believe one parent will get the kid, and the other won’t. However, that is not always the case. The court recognizes that it is in a child’s best interests to benefit from having a relationship with both parents if possible. Therefore, the court can grant joint custody, or order supervised visitations. Nevertheless, the court’s primary concern is doing what’s in the child’s best interests. Therefore, if you want to ensure you receive parenting time, child custody mediation can maximize your chances of achieving this goal, as both parents have control over the decisions made during mediation.

How can I prepare for this process?

In most cases, the court will order parents to participate in mediation if their case involves a custody dispute. That being said, it’s vital to understand the best ways to approach mediation to achieve a favorable outcome. Firstly, you should remember that this is about your children. Regardless of your negative emotions for their other parent, you have to do whatever is best for them. Do not bring up marital issues unrelated to the children, as it can derail the process.

Firstly, you should keep an open mind. Your partner may have a different outlook on what’s best for your children. Try to understand their perspective to reach a compromise instead of immediately disagreeing. Keep an open mind when listening to the mediator’s suggestions. Do not let your emotions get the best of you. In addition, you should also try to write out a proposal of what you believe would be a fair custody arrangement.

Preparing for child custody mediation can help you achieve your desired goals. For more information on child custody mediation, contact a skilled attorney from The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., who can help you reach a mutual agreement on a child custody agreement.

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