How is child support decided?

How is child support decided?

During divorce cases, the court system has to decide on the structure of child support for some spouses. In the state of New York, the courts follow the State’s Child Support Guidelines and abide by the Child Support Standards Act. The Child Support Standards Act is in place to help decide what amount of child support payments qualify as the proper amount for a case. With this act in place, it provides a formula to equitably calculate a base amount of child support. The goal of this act is to act with the best interests of the child to ensure their well-being. The court will try to continue the living standard that has been established for the child already.

When does child support in NY end?

Child support grants spouses with payment for taking care of their child from their former spouse. This is to ensure the well-being of the child and make sure they are being taken care of properly. During court proceedings, a judge can review many factors to determine what structure of child support they deem to be fit for the child and the family. In New York state, child support ends at the age of 21.

Does child support differ based on the number of children?

The Child Support Standards Act that is in place provides a formula to decide the structure of child support based on the number of children involved in the case and in the family. When there are more children in the family, there is a greater percentage of combined marital income that must go to child support. The child support is based on the number of children. For one child, 17% may be included. For two children, 25% percent may be demanded. As the number of children increases, the percentage increases to reflect that there are more needs due to the number of children in the family. The formula is used to estimate the amount of support needed based on the number of children it is intended to provide for. However, there are many other factors considered when deciding upon the child support structure. Judges will consider the financial resources of each parent and of the child. They will take into account the child’s physical and emotional health to ensure their well-being, along with their current standard of living. Other factors include the tax consequences of each parent, their non-monetary contributions, their educational needs, the parent’s gross income and the children’s needs outside of the marriage.

The Pollack Law Firm, P.C. understands that divorce and family law matters can be very complicated and emotional. They require strong legal representation from a compassionate attorney. Robert Pollack is an experienced divorce and family law attorney in Long Island, New York. Contact The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., to set up a free initial consultation.

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