How does divorce mediation work?

How does divorce mediation work?

If couples are considering the possibility of getting a divorce, they should be open to all their options. Mediation is a way to finalize a divorce civilly between spouses. For this process, both spouses, along with their attorneys, can meet with a neutral third party to reach decisions on marital issues. These marital issues include child support, alimony, child custody arrangements, the division of assets and more. The mediator is there to keep the conversation on track and make sure that it is productive. The goal of mediation is to form a written agreement that includes outcomes for all these important decisions. The spouses will then sign the document and have their divorce finalized as well.

Although mediation is a beneficial process that couples can use to solve issues and get a divorce, it is not for everyone. The cooperation of both spouses is required for mediation to work. When couples are not able to work together to reach solutions, the process will not work. During mediation, either spouse has the ability to end the process at any time. They can then decide to enter into a contested divorce. This may lead to litigation.

What are the benefits of a mediated divorce?

There are many benefits to the process of mediation. Since couples are able to avoid litigation, they can work through their marital issues in private. This can help them maintain a level of respect for one another since they will not have to battle out important issues in court against one another. Through mediation, they are working together to come to a conclusion that satisfies both parties.

Mediation is done at the pace that the spouses set. They can take as long as they need to complete the process. This makes the process in their control. The couple does not have to worry about a judge making decisions for them that they may not be happy with. By working together, they will be able to reach a compromise that does not come as a shock, as some judge’s decisions might.

Litigation can become an overwhelmingly emotional process due to the drawn-out nature of it. Court sessions can be numerous and can drag on. However, with the ability to take mediation at their own pace, spouses may be able to settle their differences in a more efficient manner. This can shorten the process. When the process is shorter, it may also prove to be less costly due to the attorney fees.

The Pollack Law Firm, P.C. understands that divorce and family law matters can be very complicated and emotional. They require strong legal representation from a compassionate attorney. Robert Pollack is an experienced divorce and family law attorney in Long Island, New York. Contact The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., to set up a free initial consultation.

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