How can parental alienation be used in child custody?

How can parental alienation be used in child custody?

When spouses go through drama leading up to a divorce, it can have a big impact on the children in the family. Divorces can be ugly. Spouses may not be able to be in the same room together without an argument escalating. When these couples are going through the divorce process, there are many aspects that they will need to consider. Some people are focused on the assets that they obtain ownership of. Other people need the support of the other spouse in order to survive financially. However, when children are involved, parents may become even more emotionally fired up. Due to their negative feelings toward their spouse, they may try to jeopardize that spouse’s relationship with their child. Some parents fight for sole custody to avoid giving the opportunity to the opposing spouse. Other cases may be simpler where the parents are respectful of one another’s time with the children. If a situation arises where your time with your children is in jeopardy, contact our attorneys to fight for your case.

Child custody is a sensitive topic for parents. They want to be a part of their children’s lives and they do not want anything to interfere with that. If spouses have had a devastating time leading up to the divorce, they may harbor ill feelings toward the other. This can lead to parental alienation.

What is parental alienation?

Parental alienation is when a spouse tries to actively destroy the relationship of the other parent with their child. In order to do this, the spouse may put ideas into the child’s head about negative feelings toward their parent. Since children are young and don’t know any better, they may start to believe this input from their parent. Children assume that what their parents tell them is true.

Children may start to change their behavior around the parent that the alienation is being targeted at. A child may become violent or aggressive. When the parent tries to interact with them, they may react with negative physical displays. These displays of rejection may be the cause of parental alienation sparked by the other parent involved.

What can be done about parental alienation?

The topic of parental alienation can be highly controversial. Since it is not a valid medical disorder, it can be hard to use as a defense. However, judges may recognize this form of abuse if the marriage between two individuals was especially toxic. If the events leading up to the divorce proceedings or the proceedings themselves prove to show signs that parental alienation is a possibility, judges may catch on to the change in behavior.

For the best possible outcome, it is advisable to acquire legal representation. Our professional team can provide you with the tools needed to create a smoother case. We want to help protect your relationship with your children.

The Pollack Law Firm, P.C. understands that divorce and family law matters can be very complicated and emotional. They require strong legal representation from a compassionate attorney. Robert Pollack is an experienced divorce and family law attorney in Long Island, New York. Contact The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., to set up a free initial consultation.

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