Do I Have to Go to Court During Divorce Proceedings?

Do I Have to Go to Court During Divorce Proceedings?

  • Le divorceIt is not necessarily true that you are going to court right away or ever during a divorce.
  • There are too many factors involved to answer this question with a yes or no answer.
  • Today, attorneys try, unless there is an emergency, to begin the proceedings without walking into court, if at all possible.

Do I have to go to court during divorce proceedings?

When clients get served summonses at the beginning of a divorce or they get a letter from the other attorney indicating that their spouse wants a divorce, immediately the natural thing is to get anxious and worried that you have to go to court. It’s not necessarily true that you are going to court either right away or ever during a divorce. There are too many factors that are involved in order to answer this question. However, generally speaking today, attorneys try, unless there is an emergency, to begin the proceedings without walking into court, if at all possible.

Robert Pollack is an experienced divorce and family law attorney in Long Island, New York. Contact The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., to set up a free initial consultation.

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