What You Need to Know About Alimony in Nassau County

What You Need to Know About Alimony in Nassau County

Divorce is never easy, especially if you are a financially dependent spouse. Fortunately, the state of New York understands that these spouses will need financial assistance to maintain their standard of living established in the marriage, which is why they will often award alimony, also known as spousal support, for a certain period of time. If you find yourself in this situation, please read on and speak with our experienced Nassau County alimony attorney to learn more about what our firm can do for you.

How do Nassau County courts calculate alimony payments?

Nassau County courts will consider several different factors before determining your alimony payment structure. Generally, however, one of the most significant aspects is the duration of your marriage. Oftentimes, the longer you were married, the longer your alimony payments will extend. However, courts will also thoroughly examine you and your spouse’s yearly income, any child custody terms in place, your marital and separate property, tax consequences, and more.

It is also worth noting that non-monetary contributions to a marriage are also taken into account as Nassau County courts determine alimony. For example, if you worked while your spouse stayed home to raise children, clean the house, and more, this will be factored in. Additionally, if you forewent certain career goals in support of your spouse’s career or academic goals, you may be entitled to at least a partial reimbursement. Ultimately, Nassau County courts consider a multitude of factors when deciding upon alimony and other divorce terms, so it is always best you retain the legal services of an experienced attorney before proceeding.

How long does spousal support continue?

Generally, courts will determine a date at which alimony payments will cease. However, spousal support may also end if you and your former spouse can agree on a date, if the dependent spouse remarries, or if one of the spouses dies.

Can I modify an alimony agreement?

As the months and years go by, your life, unsurprisingly, will change. Nassau County courts understand this, which is why they oftentimes allow for spousal support modifications. As long as you can prove that there has been a significant change in circumstances, courts will most likely grant you a spousal support modification. However, you will have to hire a knowledgeable attorney who is capable of obtaining and presenting various forms of evidence to help prove that a change in your spousal support agreement is truly warranted. Our firm is here to help.

Contact our experienced Nassau County firm

The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., rated Nassau County’s “BEST” divorce lawyers and proudly serving clients in Nassau and Suffolk County for more than 22 years, is always available to assist and represent parties in divorce, separation and all other matrimonial and family law matters. Contact us online or call today to schedule your complimentary case analysis: (516) 938-3330.

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