How You Can Protect Your Parental Rights in New York

How You Can Protect Your Parental Rights in New York

If you would like to learn more about the different steps you can take to protect your parental rights, continue reading and reach out to an experienced Nassau County family law attorney.

How can I protect my parental rights in New York?

1. Communicate with your spouse.
No matter how strained your relationship is with your former spouse, it is important that you decide how to work together as parents. You want to make time to discuss how things will alter after one parent leaves the family home. It will also be beneficial to arrange a temporary visitation schedule so you do not have to schedule visits on short notice. This may even begin settling the custody issues in your case.

2. Speak to an attorney.
Being proactive with your circumstances can help make you feel that all the bases are protected when building your court case. Even before the case has begun, you can schedule a meeting with an attorney to examine your situation. An attorney will be able to consider your state’s child custody laws and can inform you about whether your parental rights are being violated. Also, they can advise you on what not to do if you want custody.

3. Prioritize your child.
When going through a divorce, it is common to have many lingering burdens on your plate. When it comes to finances, property, custody issues, it is critical that you stay involved in your child’s life. By doing this, it can help your child manage the divorce better. Furthermore, when you go to court, you will need to demonstrate that you are capable of parenting.

4. Be sensitive to your child’s feelings.
You will want to understand that a child’s preference is a significant factor in many states, and it is common for judges or other professionals to speak with children during the custody court process. As a result, you will want to be sure that your child sees you as the parent they want to spend time with.

You can accomplish this by, avoiding the mention of the divorce to your child until you are sure it will happen. Telling them you are divorcing, then reconciling, then divorcing anyway could induce anxiety, confusion, and distrust. Furthermore, avoid provoking fights and making negative comments about the other parent.

7. Determine your ideal parenting arrangement.
You will need a parenting plan whether you go to court or come to a compromise with the other parent. In your plan, you will need to specify when and how often you feel each parent should see the kids normally, during holidays, and for vacation time. You could also include details about how the child will get between parents’ homes. To learn more about how to protect parental rights, reach out to our skilled Long Island divorce attorney.

Contact our experienced Nassau County firm

The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., rated Nassau County’s “BEST” divorce lawyers and proudly serving clients in Nassau and Suffolk County for more than 25 years, is always available to assist and represent parties in divorce, separation and all other matrimonial and family law matters. Contact us online or call today to schedule your complimentary case analysis: (516) 938-3330.

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