How Long Should I Keep My Divorce Records?

How Long Should I Keep My Divorce Records?

Divorce decree

Following a divorce, you may be tempted to dispose of everything that reminds you of your former spouse. However, it’s important to avoid destroying critical legal documents like your original marriage certificate and settlement agreement. These documents may be needed in the future, and discarding them could lead to complications. Despite the temptation to throw everything away, it’s crucial to hold on to certain documents related to your divorce, as doing so can prevent future issues and headaches down the road. Please continue reading to learn the most significant divorce records to keep after your New York divorce has been finalized and why connecting with a determined Nassau County Divorce Attorney is in your best interest. 

What Documents Should I Keep After a Divorce?

After your divorce is finalized, you may want to get rid of your original marriage certificate, as it serves as a reminder of your failed marriage. However, this legal document corroborates your marriage. Essentially, this document authorizes you and your spouse to get married. It’s essential to keep your original marriage license because you may need it to prove the duration of your marriage to establish your eligibility for certain benefits. For example, if you have been married for ten years or longer, you can use your marriage license as evidence to help you obtain a portion of your former spouse’s Social Security benefits to which you may be entitled.

Nevertheless, your settlement agreement is the most important legal document to keep after your divorce is finalized. The settlement agreement will outline the terms of your divorce, including custody arrangements, visitation schedules,  child support obligations, alimony payments, property division, etc. It’s important to keep your settlement agreement as you may need to present it to the court if you request a modification to any aspect of your existing agreement. In addition, if your former spouse fails to adhere to the settlement agreement terms, you can use it to have the court enforce them. If you have this legal document in your possession, you can avoid the time and expenses associated with tracking it down.

How Long Should I Store My Divorce Records?

As a general rule, you should never discard your divorce records. They should remain in your possession forever as you can’t anticipate when they may be needed in the future. For instance, if you want to change your name after your divorce, you must present your divorce decree to the court, as this document provides the legal dissolution of your marriage.

As you can see, there are various reasons why you should keep your divorce records following the termination of your marriage. If you have any questions or concerns about the divorce process in New York, please don’t hesitate to contact a knowledgeable attorney from The Pollack Law Firm, P.C.

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