Can modifications be made to marital issues?

Can modifications be made to marital issues?


Divorce is a big decision to make. Furthermore, marital issues bring about plenty of more decisions that need to be made. In some cases, judges will be making these decisions for spouses. In other cases, the spouses can work together to come up with an outcome that satisfies both of them. When decisions are made, only the current circumstances can be considered. Although all factors are taken into consideration, it can be hard to determine what the future will bring. As circumstances change in the future, spouses may need to modify the agreements they made regarding their marital issues. This may include marital issues such as alimony, child support and child custody arrangements.

What can cause a change?

There are many different reasons as to why spouses may need a change to their current agreement. As they carry on with their separate lives, they may change big aspects of their life. Some spouses can acquire quite a lot of money due to a business venture or some other reason. This can cause an adjustment to alimony that they are paying. Other times, spouses may not be as lucky. If they face unemployment, disease or death, this can also cause another change to alimony or stop the payments completely. Each case is determined by all the factors that have newly risen to create cause for an adjustment to the original agreement.

Child custody can also be adjusted depending on the situation that the child is in. If a parent has noticed negative changes in a child’s behavior or school performance, they may realize it is due to their time with their former spouse. This can lead them to get the court back involved in the matter to decide what is in the best interest of the child. Some parents face a new job that may cause them to move and they may want to relocate with their child. This may also cause a change to the custody arrangement. When it comes to cases involving children, a judge will always put the child’s needs first. It is important that someone can speak on behalf of the child. Child support may be another issue that can be changed due to the child’s financial need.

The Pollack Law Firm, P.C. understands that divorce and family law matters can be very complicated and emotional. They require strong legal representation from a compassionate attorney. Robert Pollack is an experienced divorce and family law attorney in Long Island, New York. Contact The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., to set up a free initial consultation.

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