What is considered in changing alimony?

What is considered in changing alimony?

If you and your former spouse had an alimony agreement included in your divorce, but circumstances have changed, you may be wondering if you can modify your obligation to pay alimony to your ex. In order to modify your alimony arrangement, you must be able to prove that there is a legitimate reason to do so in the eyes of the court. The court isn’t going to allow you to stop making alimony payments just because you simply don’t want to pay them anymore. Unfortunately for you, that’s not how it works. In addition, you must make sure you continue making all payments that the court has ordered you to make because otherwise, you will find yourself in additional legal trouble.

There are a lot of reasons for which you can modify or terminate your obligation to make alimony payments. If your former spouse gets remarried to another person, you may inform the court and they may release you from making payments. If your former spouse is posting all over social media that they are taking expensive resort vacations or are buying new, expensive cars, you may be able to bring this up to the court and show that they clearly do not need your alimony payments if they can afford to have such lavish expenses.

If you lose your job or find yourself facing your own financial hardships due to unexpected health conditions that may result in high medical bills, you may want to inform the court that your circumstances have changed drastically and simply cannot afford alimony.

If you have questions about alimony modifications in New York State, contact an experienced divorce and family law attorney today.

Robert Pollack is an experienced divorce and family law attorney in Long Island, New York. Contact The Pollack Law Firm, P.C., to set up a free initial consultation.

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